Chemistry, Area of Study - General Studies Electives
Chemistry at Collin
Collin College provides general academic courses and electives for students who plan to transfer to a college or university. Because of the various transfer requirements at colleges and universities, and to ensure enrollment in appropriate courses, students should verify course transferability and degree applicability with a Collin College academic advisor and/or the college or university that they plan to attend.
To earn an associate degree, complete the 42 credit hour General Education Core, and 18 credit hours of general studies electives and the Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree requirements.
Check with your transfer institution before registering for general studies electives to make sure your courses will be degree applicable to your bachelor's degree at the transfer institution.
Earn an Associate of Science degree with chemistry coursework and lay the academic foundation for further studies in the sciences. Courses include general chemistry and organic chemistry, as well as an introduction to chemistry designed for students who are novices in the science disciplines.
Solving problems in chemistry requires creativity and curiosity, as well as logic and reasoning. An excellent instructional staff, stocked laboratory facilities and current scientific literature make chemistry courses at Collin College a personalized, high quality educational experience.
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